Love lost, love learned, love found, rainy days, snowy days, sunny days.
Looking into the sunset
What a beautiful site
1 person among many people
1 life among many lifeforms
1 star among many stars
1 galaxy among many galaxies
All interacting
Infinitely complex
Astronomically combinatorial
How big the universe is when looking up
And all I can think about is
1 person
Without whom
My own universe
The one in my mind
Feels empty
And pushes away the universe
The train comes
The man sticks out his foot
To him the train listens
To him the train bends
In his illusion, the train slows down
In his illusion, he’s in control
The train slows down, when the train chooses to
He walks inside the carriage
The train carries him
And the man believes he made the choice
To ride
The seed
He plucked the scratchy seed off of his sweater
“Thank you!” said the seed, “now I can find a place to grow!”
The boy is enraged at the seed’s mirth
“Why should it have a free ride when I must carry myself”
Says the lonely boy who must carry himself
The boy throws the seed and stomps it into the earth
“Thank you!” said the seed, “now I have everything I need to grow”
The boy digs out the seed and throws it in the trash
“Thank you!” says the seed, “now I can travel the world!”
The boy pauses. The boy sees.
A boy stretches his limbs into the trash and a man places the seed back on his sleeve
Because the man now knows that he was mistaken
All along, he was free riding
On the seed